Community Information and Newsletter

Giving back to our community 

All revenue made from the PNE Fair, Playland Amusement Park and year-round events is invested back into our community and the care of Hastings Park. Every year we donate tens of thousands of tickets to our neighbouring residents and businesses, providing free attendance to the PNE Fair, PNE Winter Fair, and Playland.

We also donate thousands of tickets to support the fundraising efforts of BC-based non-profits and charities, and to welcome thousands of children with economic, physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges to our events. The PNE’s Community Grant Fund awards grants every year to groups and organizations in the Hastings-Sunrise neighbourhood to support their events, programs and initiatives. Learn more about our charitable donation programs  here.


Explore our programs

Community Involvement

Open Houses and Neighbourhood Focus Groups

We aim to host two Open Houses and two Neighbourhood Focus Groups each year. To be notified of upcoming dates, please sign up for our community newsletter.

Community Advisory Group

Ten independent community members who meet four times per year, providing important community perspective and feedback on PNE plans and operations. More information and meeting minutes are available.

Light Up the Pacific Coliseum

The PNE’s largest and most prominent building, the Pacific Coliseum, lights up each night from sunset to 11pm. We welcome requests from non-profit and charitable organizations to celebrate, commemorate, acknowledge, or build awareness for their cause by lighting in their colours.

Community Group Partnerships

  • The Japanese Canadian Hastings Park Interpretive Centre Society (JCHPICS), in collaboration with the PNE, are developing a centre to chronicle the history and honour the Japanese Canadians incarcerated during World War II in British Columbia. As of 2024, the PNE has dedicated a portion on the north side of the Livestock Barns to the Interpretive Centre. The Livestock Barns were one of the structures used in the incarceration. Early concept design is underway.
  • In 2023, the Hastings Park Conservancy, in collaboration with Northwest Wildlife Preservation Society, the PNE and Indigenous knowledge keepers have established a three-year pilot project with local elementary schools. The project focuses on environmental education and Indigenous culture and knowledge-keeping in the Hastings Park Sanctuary.

Neighbourhood Events

Open Houses and Neighbourhood Focus Groups

We aim to host two Open Houses and two Neighbourhood Focus Groups each year. To be notified of upcoming dates, please sign up for our community newsletter.

Terry Fox Run

Every year, the PNE invites neighbourhood elementary schools (kindergarten through grade seven) to hold their Annual Terry Fox School Day Run through Hastings Park. The event usually takes place the3 third week of September, with registration opening in June.

Neighbourhood Skate Days

Eligible PNE neighbours skate for free on our Neighbourhood Skate Days, held during the winter months. Register to attend our next Neighbourhood Skate Day.


Ticket Donations and Community Grants

*Information about the Neighbourhood Ticket Program can be found here.

Fundraising Ticket Donation Program

The PNE donates thousands of tickets to all PNE events every year to support the fundraising efforts of non-profits and charities, schools, sports teams, arts and cultural groups and more. Applications are open year-round

KC’s Kids Ticket Donation Program

We are delighted to donate Fair, Playland, and Fright Nights tickets to 90 non-profit charities each year that support children under 13 who have economic, physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges. Applications are open January through March each year.

Community Grant Fund

An annual $10,000 Grant Fund, awarded to groups and organizations in the Hastings-Sunrise neighbourhood to support their event, program or initiative. The Community Grant Fund provides opportunities for the community to come together, learn, engage, and enjoy! Applications are open March through May each year

Hastings Park Community Info

Park Access Updates

For the latest neighbourhood news on what’s happening around Hastings Park, including updates on park access and Ampitheatre construction, check out our Hastings Park Access page.

Public Art and Commemorative Benches, Plaques and Statues

The PNE’s Community Engagement team oversees much of the public art, benches, plaques and statues throughout the park. To request a commemorative piece, please email

Neighbourhood Patrol 

During large events, including Fright Nights and some concerts, our Neighbourhood Patrol team is deployed to monitor behaviour, sound levels and garbage throughout the neighbourhood surrounding Hastings Park.

Sound Mitigation in the PNE Forum

After engaging sound engineers for assessment of the building in 2023, we are working with their guidance and recommendations to review all possible sound mitigation options within a heritage building, with plans to decide on the chosen strategy in spring 2024.

Sound Mitigation in the new Amphitheatre

Sound engineers are working in collaboration on the project as it continues to move through its design phases. More information will be shared once designs are finalized and the project moves into its construction phase.

Get in touch

Reach out to our Community Relations team at